After about four years of gainful employment, I was laid off a week ago on Tuesday. Considering the battering this economy has taken for over a year, I’ve actually seen this one coming.
Initially, it was a tough pill to swallow. What threw me off for a loop was the fact that I found myself in a strange space in my life. My regular routines of commuting by bus to work and settling into an office no longer existed.
There continues to be a sense of loss mixed with some anxiety. I was deeply concerned over the condition of the job market nationwide – especially here in the Twin Cities – prior to last week. The reality of it has completely sunk in - I've become one of ten percent of this nation's population that is unemployed because of this recession.
I'm certainly not alone. The number of friends and co-horts both here and elsewhere on this continent recounted how tough they had it in the job market. What frightened me was length of time that some of these friends and co-horts have been without employment.
On the other hand, perhaps the most positive thing that transpired during this initial shock period has been expression of concern and encouragement from friends and acquaintances. One common theme of those who know me the best has been my ability to bounce back from adversity. As these friends will tell you, I'm not one to give up on things.
As for what's next, I do need to get the ball rolling on putting myself back into the job market. I do need to get away – I’ll do that this weekend. This will help me work though the loss and regain some strength back into my soul.
In the meantime, there are resumes to tune up, networking to be done and, maybe, a few other projects on the writing/creative side of the house to possibly formulate and implement.
There is one thing I must say in light of the first week of unemployment. I can only pray that when people talk about economic recovery, healthcare reform and employment protection for GLBT citizens - jobs must be included in the conversation. For a nation to turn around, you must employ your citizens and engage them back into re-investing in the economy. Still, our nation will have to figure out how to trim a $9 Trillion budget deficit in order for complete recovery to occur.
In life, you take adversity as it comes. You have to continue to live your life and not fixate on the negative energy around you - such as the news or other tales of difficulties returning to the workforce. This is not just advice for everyone, but for myself. All it takes is to get myself back to my normal routine of commuting, working and contributing to our economy – just like you.
ReplyDeleteDebbie Bell: Randy – here you are. Geez tough one to track down aren’t you? Thinking about you on a daily basis.
Matthew Stern: I’m sorry to hear about this. I’ve been there before, and I know it sucks. Keep your chin up, and you’ll get through it. Take care.
Bryan Cichy: No sympathy here, just empathy. It sucks, but you’ll be fine.
Scott Christian: Ugh. We know how you feel. Erik has been looking for a year now.
Terry Walker: One of my roomates, Foeclan, has also been looking for a long time. I consider myself lucky to have a part-time job at a non-profit (which hardly pays anything).
Fred Vaughn: Good luck.
Dan Adolphson: I’m still gonna say I’m sorry, but also know that you know how to push through adversity and come out the other side still standing.
Erich Yahner: That really stinks. I’m sure that you’ll find something else before you know it, though.
William Duncan: So sorry to hear that Randy … Knowing you, you’ll make it work out for the best —- but this is the part that sucks; the not knowing… Good Luck! Can you get a job driving the pub-cycle?
Jim Bergstrom: You aren’t getting my sympathy, Randy, because you are one of millions in this, but you are getting a hug! HUG!
Sue Taylor: Missed this when you posted it – I’m sorry to hear it. After four years – well, ‘betrayal’ is the word that comes to mind. Maddening times. Ian’s company has enjoyed record profits but they’re still looking at the recession as an opportunity to cut costs.
William Snyder: I have all the confidence in the world you will come through this stronger. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Clair Wood: Good luck with the job search. I’m also confident that you’ll come out of this just fine.
Ben Mattson: *hug* Sorry to hear about the layoff. It seems like you’re handling it well, and that you’ve got a plan. Those things will help you succeed.