Originally Posted in October, 2005
The most successful promotion of The Boy From Reseda happened over this weekend in Madison, Wisconsin. Not only has the book caught the eye of several people in Madison; it has also got some people interested beyond the place. Sunday night's reading at Motherfools was unbelieveable! We had a great mix of readers joining me onstage and the material was incredibly amazing! There was a lot of love in the room, not only for the readers, but for The Boy From Reseda. I felt I had my best performance of my work ever.
With all of that said, I have plenty of "shout outs" to go out for the weekend:
- To Alyson Selle and the crew at the Madison 'Zine Fest, along with the Wisconsin Book Festival staff, for welcoming TBFR back to Madison and making "Team Autumnbridge Media" feel welcome throughout the weekend!
- To the Queer 'Zine Archives Project crew (Milo, Chris, Dara, Mara and her partner...did I miss anyone?) for showing some love to a fellow gay artist and for putting TBFR up on your site. I'm looking forward to seeing some more collaboration between QZAP and Autumnbridge in the future. Also, I"m looking forward to hearing more about the possible show at KDVS in Davis, California with Mara.
- To everyone else I met at 'Zine Fest, you guys rock! I learned so much about this business it's amazing! You have a wonderful enterprise there and I hope that your overtures to TBFR and Autumnbridge will continue in the near future.
- To Jon Hain and Stephanie Rearick of Motherfools for making Sunday night special. You two have always rocked for the past five years that I've known you! Remind me if I do this next time to tell a story about one of your favorite Minnesota-based acts who used to play there...
- To Richard Brown and Cory Moll for hosting us weary Minnesota travellers for Saturday's dinner and letting the words of TBFR flow among our people again. To Todd, Mark and Don for being a great captive audience! Also, to Richard, for being the link to Outreach that night. I hope the Library at Outreach enjoys the book and that you will get some stuff form me for next year's Pride.
- To The MIC FM for letting my name out on the airwaves of South Central Wisconsin. I wonder how many accidents I created by the single mention of the Open Mic...
- To all of the Haters (i.e. other people who I had dealings with during my time there) in Madison, thank you for not getting in my face! It's good to know I'm remembered fondly enough for you to perpetuate your jacked-up lives and let other people come forward and enjoy what I have to offer to your fair city! Because of your non-presence I had a much better time during my stay here! Oh, and for those of you who did see me, to paraphrase rapper T.I.
You might see me on the street, but BITCH, you don't know me!
- Lastly, to "Team Autumnbridge Media!" Scott Schumacher and his partner Michael Larson have been great during this weekend. Your support for the TBFR and bringing it to Madison will help you bring the next set of titles to next year's 'Zine Fest! I have this feeling that a slew of great ideas will come your way and they will become the keys to unlock many doors for the publishing endeavor. This Guinea Pig has been appreciative all along! :)
Well, back to the grind of life in Minneapolis! What's next for TBFR, you ask? Buy a copy, follow this blog and the main Autumnbridge Media site and stay tuned!
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